Brooklyn has seen some lovely weather in the past few weeks (along with some pretty serious rain) and that's caused spring to awaken all around the garden. From early snow drops and crocuses to flowering apricot and peach trees, there's quite a lot to see in bloom this March! The first to emerge were hellebores. There's almost 20 varieties on display all around BBG but one of the best places to see a wide assortment of color is in the Rock Garden. Soon after the hellebores crocuses began to sprout and bloom, causing quite a stir as they often blanket large areas creating fields of purple where there once was snow. This week there's been an explosion of blossoms on some of our flowering trees, most notably a Japaneses Flowering Apricot near the 1000 Washington Avenue entrance to BBG and a beautiful Kansu Peach tree in the Lily Pool Terrace.