This 38-minute community soundscape was created on August 15, 2023, in a live collaboration between BBG's 2023 artist in residence Kamala Sankaram, JOS, Hillary Mike, Aisling Mullins, Rc Lotus Art, Andrea Warmington, and Lewis, among others.

Sounds include:

  • “A rainy day in Fort Greene” from Ling Hsu
  • “Sound of me in my greenhouse meditation area, listening to my Maa Saraswati mantra” from Dr. Michelle K. Watson
  • “The sound of my friend and her daughter telling/singing bedtime stories to us around a campfire while music plays from a neighboring campsite” from Georgina
  • “A recording from a rooftop in Brooklyn of wind in the trees, with helicopter and airplane flyovers interspersed” from Kelly McComas
  • “The paper mulberry tree has made a beautiful sticky orange mess of the roof, and the sound of sweeping up fallen fruit in the hot afternoon burst through the white noise from the A/Cs in the neighboring buildings” from Katie Dylan
  • “Thunderstorm crosses Lenape Canarsie land—6 jun 2023; electricity, energy, collective shift: 2.7 million of us reverberating with the elements” from Karlee Horan