When BBG’s staff was brainstorming to find a theme for our 2012 calendar, we came up with an intriguing question: What would happen if we tapped into the amazing pool of talented photographers who enthusiastically document the Garden throughout the seasons? To learn the answer, we held a photo contest. The submissions were nothing short of spectacular. We weren’t surprised. After all, who knows the Garden better than our visitors?

But while we expected some great shots, we didn't anticipate the unique perspectives we saw in the photos that were submitted. It was fantastic to admire the Garden in new ways. I often asked myself, “Where was that taken?” These fresh views inspired the title of the 2012 calendar: Your Take: BBG Through Visitors' Eyes, (available for purchase in BBG's Gift Shops). The winning shots are also part of an outdoor photo exhibit of the same name on view throughout the Garden from now through spring. Each photo is posted at the location where it was taken. The winning shots are also below. (Mouse over the images to see photographer credits.)

Even though the calendar contest is over, the BBG visitor Flickr group is alive and well—and currently displays more than 12,000 submissions from more than 800 contributors. Please consider sharing your favorite shots of the Garden there. Happy shooting!